Musings on photography, mental health and mountain life.

Capturing Sunrise in the Écrins:
When I wasn’t breaking through the crust and sinking to my knees, I was attempting to maintain enough traction to make it to the next rock outcrop. This carried on for another 20 minutes or so until we found a steep gully to climb which brought us up to the ridge and on to a beautiful scramble towards the summit as Dawn was breaking.

Climbing and Photography in Peru: Arriba Peru!!
I had already sampled the kitchen of the hostel and decided that weight loss would be sufficiently achieved from time at altitude. There was, therefore, no need to run the dysentery gauntlet by cooking in the accommodation.

Go West: Exploring Ireland’s Stunning West Coast
A couple of days later, I took a drive out to Downpatrick Head in Co. Mayo. I wasn’t sure what to expect as the weather was pretty abysmal. A night in my van had me wondering whether I’d still be where I had parked when I woke, such was the deluge. Morning arrived and the rain had thankfully eased but the sea definitely looked a little fuller. Either that or the tide was in, it was definitely one of the two.