Musings on photography, mental health and mountain life.

Weathering the Storm: Part 3
Hindsight offers a clarity of thought seldom available where heightened emotions are involved. It’s only 2 years after the event that I feel able to slightly better articulate those feelings of loneliness. In my case as with many of my mental health problems, the root cause stems from within. My lack of self confidence, of real direction in life, the continuing success of my girlfriend’s law career and her designs on life all contributed to a deep sense of unworthiness, isolation and ultimately loneliness.

Weathering the Storm: Part 2
The next few hours were a haze of friends leaning over me, MRI scans, doctors and nurses coming and going, more visits from friends, catheter wars and then sleep. When I came too finally and was a little more lucid, I struck up a friendship with denial.

Commit Fully!
As much as this is a blog post about me making a commitment to myself for my future, it acts just as well as a metaphor for life. We often fall short of our potential through not giving it everything we have…

Happiness and the Necessity of Risk
It’s been on my mind for a while to try and put into words how I have come to realise that my happiness seems dependent upon a certain amount of personal, physical risk…

Monch, Mindfulness and Salvation
I am drawn to landscape photography, perhaps because it’s potentially the easiest of the different genres, or perhaps (as I like to think) because it helps me to realize the beauty around us.